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5 Stocks to Own for the AI Revolution

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The Rise of AAPL in the iPhone Era

Since Steve Jobs announced the the iPhone on January 9, 2007 Apple Inc. ($APPL) shares have grown almost 6000%.That's a 60x return.

The Magnificent 7 vs the S&P 500

Since the market bottom of October 2022, the Magnificent 7 ($APPL, $AMZN, $GOOGL, $META, $MSFT, $NVDA, $TSLA) has risen almost 75% weekly, outperforming .SPX by three fold. Since the beginning of 2023 it's up over 100%, outpacing .SPX and holding up the S&P's other 493 stocks.

The Rise of Generative AI

There is no official data available about ChatGPT’s revenue yet. But many sources predict that the chatbot will generate a revenue of $200 million by the end of 2023. It is further projected to generate $1 billion by 2024.

The Case for AI Investment

AI will become ubiquitous like the iPhone.
Technology continues to grow in usage and value.
The value of a network is proportionate to the number of users on the network.
Therefore, more users equals more money.
Where will you be as the money is made?
Get in before this oportunity passes you by.

5 Small Cap AI Stocks

AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and enhance productivity like never before. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, automate processes, and make informed decisions offers tremendous value. Investing in AI technologies and companies can lead to significant returns, shape the future, and position investors at the forefront of innovation and economic growth.

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